Saturday, December 20, 2014

Week 14

This is the last week of my first semester. In this week, we learned about the other parts of microbial growth such as measurement of microbial growth, sterilization and disinfectants and antimicrobial chemotherapy. I've learned that there are different types of agents used to kill or inhibit the growth of microbes, and different agents have different usages and purposes. For example, sterilization kills all microbes in a very short period of time while antisepsis takes longer time to kill.
I've also learned the terms that I've came across before, which is antisepsis and sanitizer, of which I thought is the same before this. Overall, this topic is interesting in the sense that I can know how to kill microbes by using different methods, ranging from physical, chemical to biological method.

The activities for this week are :
1. Career Talk
2. Bacterial growth exercise
3. Quizz
4. Video assignment to summarize what we've learnt in this semester. Here's the link for my video:

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