Sunday, December 7, 2014

Lesson 19 (2/12/14)

Date : 2/12/14
Topic : Nomenclature and Classification of Microorganisms



Taxonomy includes three parts: classification, identification and nomenclature.

Strain shows a small permanent genetic difference. Strain is a subgroup of species with one or more characteristics that distinguish it from other subgroups of the same species. It is identified by name, number or letter followed by specific epithet.

Rapid biochemical test must be standardized, rapid, reproducible, miniature, and mechanized.

Antiserum is a commercially available serum with specific antibody.

Serological techniques include ELISA and western blotting.

Phage typing is used to determine which phage a bacterium is susceptible to.

Techniques that apply the principle of nucleic acid hybridization includes Southern Blotting, DNA Chips, Ribotyping and Ribosomal RNA Sequencing, and FISH.

Methods used to classify and identify microorganisms after various analyses are Dichotomous Keys and Cladograms.

Name of microbes

Random facts

Muddiest point

My own exploration

Reflection on this topic

In order to name a microorganism, many steps are required. This is to ensure that the microorganisms named are specific and do not overlap. The system built is very complete and detailed, showing that a lot of researches and improvements have been done. It is really not an easy task to find a new microbe and name it accordingly.

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