Sunday, December 7, 2014

Lesson 20 (5/12/14)

Date : 20/12/14
Topic : Microbial Metabolism and Nutritional Types of Microorganisms

1. Creating flashcards of definitions
2. Creating quizz


Microbial metabolism contributes to cycling of elements in ecosystems.

Enzymes are subjected to cellular controls.

Factors that influence enzymatic activity are temperature, pH, concentration of enzyme and substrate, and inhibitors.

Types of inhibition includes competitive inhibition, noncompetitive inhibition and feedback inhibition.

Energy can be produced from redox reaction or mechanisms of ATP generation.

Mechanisms of ATP generation can be done by substrate level phosphorylation, oxidative phosphorylation and photophosphorylation.

Aerobic respiration includes glycolysis, transition reactions, citric acid cycle, electron transport chain and chemiosmosis.

Lactic acid fermentation : Glucose > pyruvic acid > lactic acid
Homolactic fermenters : produce only lactic acid

Alcohol fermentation : Glucose > pyruvic acid > acetyldehyde + CO2
Heterolactic fementers : use pentose phosphate pathway to produce lactic acid and ethanol

Litho means reduced inorganic molecules

Cyanobacteria is oxygenic.

Green sulfur bacteria (Chlorobium) and purple sulfur bacteria (Chromatium) are anoxygenic. Both can be distinguished by the location of their bacteriochlrophyls, stored sulfur and ribosomal RNA.

Green nonsulfur bacteria (Rhodopseudomonas) is a photoheterotroph.

Name of microbes

Random facts

Muddiest point

My own exploration


Reflection on this topic

I think the website to build flashcards is very convenient because it is very user friendly and can be used to recall easily with the games and quizzes it provided. The quizzes are very interesting, especially from kahoot because it makes the quizz more fun.

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