Friday, October 31, 2014

Thank A Microbe Exhibition Day (28/10/14)

My Reflection

Our group poster !

Our group video on the introduction of Clostridium novyi-NT.

Another Youtube videos with more detailed explanation


"Thank a Microbe" is a project planned by Dr. Wan for us to let us have appreciation on those beneficial microbes that have done positive impacts on human and environment. The microbe world is not merely harmful to us, instead most of the microbes are actually closely related to us and we cannot live without them.


Finding a suitable microbe to thank of is actually quite challenging to our group because we want to find something special and significant. At first we planned to thank some other microbes, but due to the insufficient information and not-so-significant-information found, at last we reject some (bacteriophage, Ganoderma sp., Penicillum) and finally choose Clostridium novyi-NT as our main character.

Exhibition Eve

I actually thought that the exhibition would be in Friday but in fact it's the second day right after I realized it. And on that day, we will be having another presentation as well (although in the end it turned out to be postponed), but having the progress stuck and unable to do anything (like wifi couldn't work at all) make me feel stressed. So at that moment, I actually felt like going to have a big nap and recharge myself  before going start all these things. I felt very sorry and would like to apologize to those who felt uncomfortable seeing my "uncomfortable", especially my groupmates. I just need some rest ~ o.O

Exhibition Day

It was chaos at first because Aurasma was not working. I found that maybe it's because the triggered image I uploaded was from computer, which was clearer from the real poster, so maybe the camera couldn't detect it. Despite that, the whole exhibition session was really an awesome one. I was enjoying myself but the session was just too short for me !

There're some lessons learnt throughout the session. Although we couldn't answer some of the questions, but I did try to answer, even though it's wrong one. I found that in times, if I really do not know about the concept or the correct information, I should just admit that I do not know and do some research on the topic later on. This is because in science-related field, it will be very misleading if we are giving the wrong information. Of course, as Dr. Wan said, this session did make us realize that our knowledge are limited and there are a lot more need to be explored.

I was glad that I chose to continue explaining my poster even though the judges were gone. I saw many inquisitive faces which amazed at the result of this founding - using bacteria to fight tumor. I felt glad of the scientists, for what they found really helped the world. Moreover, I felt glad that I found the information and was able to share it out. More people should know about the new technology we are having now which makes our life better than we can imagine.

Plus, while I was still explaining, I came across with a master student who studied virology and cancer. He gave me lots of information which makes me realized that there are people who really knows about all these stuffs because they really study it in detailed. They're unlike us, who just read up some information and bluffed on it. From him, I knew that correct style of people in scientific field or even just science students.

Lastly from the exhibition, I saw the efforts done by my coursemates. They were really passionate at running the exhibition by preparing suitable props while we our group just did the poster only. Thanks to them too and Dr. Wan because they've prepared a lots of food for us, that was one of the greatest thing that made my day!


All in all, the exhibition day was a great one ! Hope we will have opportunities to hold another one in the future !

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