Saturday, November 22, 2014

Lesson 14 (14/11/14)

After all those hardships and sleepless nights, finally it comes the NUCEL day (National University of Carnival E-learning).

We've designed a card game which includes information of microbiology. The purpose of doing this is to break the stereotype among us which thinks that microbes are harmful and have no benefits at all. Besides, we intend to introduce a new approach of learning which we have found very efficient to learn about the species and some applications or effects of the microbes. And so the Mighty Microbes cards are created.

All of us are in awe when we reached Shah Alam Convention Centre (SACC). We thought the exhibition would be something like our Thank A Microbe exhibition, in fact it's very grand and looked like holding education fair or other huge exhibition.

Before this, we actually met the board of UPM to present our products and ask for copyright. The experience was very "rare" to me, I've never thought that I will be selling own products. And this gave us the very first exposure on how the process of copyrighting is in UPM.

Back to the NUCEL day, the Mighty Microbe team really enjoyed the whole session very much. We had lots of fun explaining our products to the others. Many of them were interested with our Mighty Microbes cards and some even asked for commercialization of our product. On top of all those funs would be us being crazy out of nothing! The whole session was really great, I enjoyed every moment of it very much!

Thanks Dr. Wan for bringing us the opportunity to join this competition. We have learnt and experienced a lot. This will definitely be the proudest and greatest moment of my first semester in university.

Mighty Microbe.
See the Invisible, Unravel the Mystery.

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